Hello and Welcome to the new Wylye and Till Valley Benefice Website!
Whether you are just looking around our site, or would like to enquire about a baptism, confirmation, wedding or funeral, or even if you’d like to know more about God’s amazing love for you, then please let me know.
With love and blessings, Jonathan
Email: rectorwtv@gmail.com
Phone: 01722 790616
Rev'd Jonathan Plows
Rector - Wylye and Till Valley Benefice
Rural Dean - Stonehenge Deanery
Prayer for Peace and Justice

Compassionate God,
we pause to pray for peace and justice
in our communities, our nation and across the world.
We pray with troubled hearts,
sorrowed by the sins of hubris, power, narrowmindedness,
indifference, violence, racism, hatred and greed.
We grieve for those who have been victims of injustice and violence.
We give thanks for all peacemakers and peacekeepers
All who are dedicated to restoring wholeness to their communities.
Although we find ourselves in a broken world,
we pray as brothers and sisters united in hope,
knowing that You desire for us justice and peace.

Safeguarding Concerns?

Who to contact if you have a Safeguarding concern:
Rev'd Jonathan Plows: Rector of the nine churches of the Benefice - Rectorwtv@gmail.com or 01722 790616
Contact for Great Wishford, Stapleford, South Newton and Winterbourne Stoke - Anna Tattersall: email annaisobel.tattersall@gmail.com or 01722 790791
Diocesan Safeguarding Advisers:
Jem (Jeremy) Carter
Email: jem.carter@salisbury.anglican.org
Web: http:\\www.salisbury.anglican.org
Mobile: 07469 857888
Suzy Futcher